Lynchův syndrom
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Lynchův syndrom


Lynchův syndrom v rukách patologa
O.Daum, Z.Beneš, L.Hadravský, J.Stehlík, K.Černá, M.Dušek, B.Kokošková, M.Michal
Immunostaining in the context of loss mismatch repair function: interpretive confounders and coutionary tales!
W.Fadhil, J.Field, G.Cross, P.Kaye, M.Ilyas
Genotype to phenotype: Analyzing the effects of inherited mutations in colorectal cancer families
DNA mismatch repair deficiency in sporadic colorectal cancer and Lynch syndrome
G.Poulogiannis, I.M.Frayling, M.J.Arends
Small cell carcinoma: arising in Lynch syndrome: a previously undocumented occurrence
S.A.Oman, L.Ballinger, L.A.Cerilli
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas with loss of mismatch repair in a patient with Lynch syndrome
J.A.Sparr, P.Bandipalliam, M.S.Redston, S.Syngal
DNA mismatch repair deficiency in endometrial carcinoma
Y.Karamurzin, J.K.L.Rutgers
Towards identification of hereditary DNA mismatch repair deficiency: sebaceous neoplasm warrants routine immunohistochemical screening regardless of patient´s age or other clinical characteristics
L.Orta, D.S.Klimstra, J.Qin, P.Mecca, L.H.Tang, K.J.Busam, J.Shia
Lynch syndrome (hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer) and endometrial carcinoma
K.Garg, R.A.Soslow
In Lynch syndrome adenomas, loss of mismatch repair proteins is related to an enhanced lymhocytic response
T.W.H.Meijer, N.Hoogerbrugge, F.M.Nagengast, M.J.L.Ligtenberg, J.Han, J.M.van Krieken
Lynch syndrome screening strategies among newly diagnosed endometrial cancer patients
K.Resnick, J.M.Straughn, F.Backes, H.Hampel, K.S.Matthews, D.E.Cohn
The efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil in colorectal cancer depends on the mismatch repair status
R.Jover, P.Zapater, A.Castells, X.Llor, M.Andreu, J.Cubiella, F.Balaguer, L.Sempere, R.M.Xicola, L.Bujanda, J.M.Rene, J.Clofent, X.Bessa, J.D.Morillas, D.Nicolás-Perez, E.Pons, A.Paya, C.Alenda
Colorectal cancer due to deficiency in DNA mismatch repair function. A review
A.M.Bellizzi, W.L.Frankel
Serous oligocystic adenoma (SOIA) of the pancreas - first reported case of a genetically fixed association in a patient with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
M.Petersen, M.Evert, R.Schneider-Stock, M.Pross, J.Ruschoff, A.Roessner, H.Lippert, F.Meyer
Endometrial carcinomas in women aged 40 years and younger: tumors associated with loss of DNA mismatch repair proteins comprise a distinct clinicopathologic subset
K.Garg, K.Shih, R.Barakat, Q.Zhou, A.Iasonos, R.A.Soslow
Endometrial cancer as a familial tumor: Pathology and molecular carcinogenesis (review)
K.Banno, M.Yanokura, Y.Kobayashi, M.Kawaguchi, H.Nomura, A.Hirasawa, N.Susumu, D.Aoki
Review of the Lynch syndrome: history, molecular genetics, screening, differential diagnosis, and medicolegal ramifications
H.T.Lynch, P.M.Lynch, S.J.Lanspa, C.L.Snyder, J.F.Lynch, C.R.Boland
Endometrial carcinomas in women aged 40 years and younger: tumors associated with loss of DNA mismatch repair proteins comprise a distinct clinicopathologic subset
K.Garg, K.Shih, R.Barakat, Y.Zhou, A.Iasonos, R.A.Soslow
Ten years after mutation testing for Lynch syndrome: cancer incidence and outcome in mutation-positive and mutation-negative family members
H.J.Jarvinen, J.Renkonen-Sinisalo, K.Aktan-Collan, P.Peltomaki, L.A.Aaltonen, J.-P.Mecklin
Risk of pancreatic cancer in families with Lynch syndrome
F.Kastrinos, B.Mukherjee, N.Tayob, F.Wang, J.Sparr, V.M.Raymond, P.Bandipalliam, E.M.Stoffel, S.B.Gruber, S.Syngal
Current and emerging trends in Lynch syndrome identification in women with endometrial cancer
K.E.Resnick, H:Hampel, R.Fishel, D.E.Cohn
Coexisting somatic promoter hypermethylation and pathogenic MLH1 germline mutation in Lynch syndrome
N.Rahner, N.Friedrichs, V.Steinke, S.Aretz, W.Fnedl, R.Buettner, E.Mangold, P.Propping, C.Waldorf
Interpretation of immunohistochemistry for mismatch repair proteins is only reliable in a specialized setting
L.I.H.Overbeek, M.J.L.Ligtenberg, R.W.Willems, R.P.M.G.Hermens, W.A.M.Blokx, S.V.Dubois, H.Linden, J.W.R.Meijer, M.L.Mlynek-Kersjes, N.Hoogerbrugge, K.M.Hebeda, J.H.J.M.Krieken
Carcinoma of the lower uterine segment: a newly described association with Lynch syndrome
S.N.Westin, R.A.Lacour, D.L.Urbauer, R.Luthra, D.C.Bodurka, K.H.Lu, R.R.Broaddus
Synchronous occult cancers of the endometrium and fallopian tube in an MSH2 mutation carrier at time of prophylactic surgery
L.Palma, V.Marcus, L.Gilbert, G.Chong, W.D.Foulkes
Missed adenomas during colonoscopic surveillance in individuals with Lynch syndrome (HNPCC)
E.M.Stoffel, D.K.Turgeon, D.H.Stockwell, L.Zhao, D.P.Normolle, M.K.Tuck, R.S.Bresalier, N.E.Marcon, J.A.Baron, M.T.Ruffin, D.E.Brenner, S.Syngai
Carcinogenesis and microsatellite instability: the interrelationship between genetics and epigenetics
K.Imai, H.Yamamoto
Comment on: Screening for Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer) among endometrial cancer patients
H.Hampel, J.Panescu, J.Lockman, K.Sotamaa, D.Fix, I.Comeras, J.LaJeunesse, H.Nakagawa, J.A.Westman, T.W.Prior, M.Clendenning, la Chapelle, W.Frankel, P.Penzone, D.E.Cohn, L.Copeland, J.Eaton, ...
Society of gynecologic oncologists education committee statement on risk assessment for inherited gynecologic cancer predispositions
J.M.Lancaster, C.B.Powell, N.D.Kauff, I.Cass, L.-M.Chen, K.H.Lu, D.G.Mutch, A.Berchuck, B.Y.Karlan, T.J.Herzog
The frustrations of families: Henry Lynch, heredity, and cancer control, 1962-1975
Prophylactic surgery to reduce the risk of gynecologic cancers in the Lynch syndrome
K.M.Schmeler, H.t.Lynch, L.Chea, M.F.Munsell, P.T.Soliman, M.B.Clark, M.S.Daniels, K.G.White, S.G.Boyd-Rogers, P.G.Conrad, K.Y.Yang, M.M.Rubin, C.C.Sun, B.M.Slomovitz, D.M.Gershenson, K.H.Lu
Defective DNA mismatch repair and XRCC2 mutation in uterine carcinosarcomas
N.P.Taylor, R.K.Gibb, M.A.Powell, D.G.Mutch, P.C.Huettner, P.J.Goodfellow
Occult endometrial cancer and decision making for prophylactic hysterectomy in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer patients
S.Pistorius, S.Kruger, R.Hohl, J.Plaschke, W.Distler, H.-D.Saeger, H.K.Schckert
Screening for Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer) among endometrial cancer patients
H.Hampel, W.Frankel, J.Panescu, J.Lockman, K.Sotamaa, D.Fix, I.Comeras, J.La Jeunesse, H.Nakagawa, J.A.Westman, T.W.Prior, M.Clendenning, P.Penzone, J.Lombardi, P.Dunn, D.E.Cohn, L.Copleland, L.Eaton
Decrease in mortality in Lynch syndrome families because of surveillance Jong, Y.M.C.Hendriks, J.H.Kleibeuker, Boer, A.Cats, G.Griffioen, F.M.Nagengast, F.G.Nelis, M.A.Rookus, H.F.A.Vasen
The genetics of HNPCC: Application to diagnosis and screening
W.M.Abdel-Rahman, J.-P.Mecklin, P.Peltomaki
Elevated microsatellite alterations at selected tetranucleotides (EMAST) and mismatch repair gene expression in prostate cancer
M.Burger, S.Denzinger, C.G.Hammerschmied, A.Tannapfel, E.C.Obermann, W.F.Wieland, A.Hartmann, R.Stoehr
Muir-Torre syndrome: diagnostic and screening guidelines
B.Jones, C.Oh, E.Mangold, C.A.Egan
Testing for defective DNA mismatch repair in colorectal carcinoma. A practical guide
Women with synchronous primary cancers of the endometrium and ovary: do they have Lynch syndrome?
P.T.Soliman, R.R.Broaddus, K.M.Schmeler, M.S.Daniels, D.Gonzalez, B.M.Slomovitz, D.M.Gershenson, K.H.Lu
The role of high-magnification-chromoscopic colonscopy in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer screening: a prospective "back-to-back" endoscopic study
D.P.Hurlstone, M.Karajeh, S.S.Cross, M.E.McAlindon, S.Brown, M.D.Hunter, D.S.Sanders
BRAF-V600E is not involved in the colorectal tumorigenesis of HNPCC in patients with functional MLH1 and MSH2 genes
E.Domingo, R.C.Niessen, C.Oliveira, P.Alhopuro, C.Moutinho, E.Espin, M.Armengol, R.H.Sijmons, J.H.Kleibeuker, R.Seruca, L.A.Aaltonen, K.Imai, H.Yamamoto, S.Schwartz, R.M.W.Hofstra
Systematic review of microsatellite instability and colorectal cancer prognosis
S.Popat, R.Hubner, R.S.Houlston
Familial mutations in PMS2 can cause autosomal dominant hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
D.L.Worthley, M.D.Walsch, M.Barker, A.Ruszkiewicz, G.Bennett, K.Phillips, G.Suthers
Inherited predisposition to cancer: a historical overview
H.T.Lynch, T.G.Shaw, J.F.Lynch
BRAF screening as a low-cost effective strategy for simplifying HNPCC genetic testing
E.Domingo, P.Laiho, M.Ollikainen, M.Pinto, L.Wang, A.J.French, J.Westra, T.Frebourg, E.Espin, M.Armengol, R.Hamelin, H.Yamamoto, R.M.W.Hofstra, R.Seruca, A.Lindblom, P.Peltomaki, S.N.Thibodeau, ...
Role of the pathologist in the diagnosis of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
Revised Bethesda guidelines for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome) and microsatellite instability
A.Umar, C.R.Boland, J.P.Terdiman, S.Syngal, la Chapelle, J.Ruschoff, R.Fishel, N.M.Lindor, L.J.Burgart, R.Hamelin, S.R.Hamilton, R.A.Hiatt, J.Jass, A.Lindblom, H.T.Lynch, P.Peltomaki, ...
Microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer: considerations for molecular diagnosis and high-throughput screening of archival tissues
M.Salto-Tellez, C.Lee, L.L.Chiu, C.K.Lee, M.C.Yong, E.S.C.Kaay
A founder mutation of the MSH2 gene and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer in the United States
H.T.Lynch, S.M.Coronel, R.Okimoto, H.Hampel, K.Sweet, J.F.Lynch, A.Barrows, J.Wijnen, H.Klift, P.Franken, A.Wagner, R.Fodde, la Chapelle
Multifocal transitional cell carcinoma in a patient with hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer
E.Ong, J.V.Joseph, S.P.Bramwell, N.e.Haites
Colorectal cancer screening and surveillance: clinical guidelines and rationale - update based on new evidence
S.Winawer, R.Fletcher, D.Rex, J.Bond, R.Burt, J.Ferrucci, T.Ganiats, T.Levin, S.Woolf, D.Johnson, L.Kirk, S.Litin, C.Simmang
Prevalence of defective DNA mismatch repair and MSH6 mutation in an unselected series of endometrial cancers
P.J.Goodfellow, B.M.Buttin, T.J.Herzog, J.S.Rader, R.K.Gibb, E.Swisher, K.Look, K.C.Walls, M.-Y.Fan, D.G.Mutch
Distinct clinical features and outcomes of gastric cancers with microsatellite instability
H.S.Lee, S.I.Choi, H.K.Lee, H.S.Kim, H.-K.Yang, G.H.Kang, Y.I.Kim, B.L.Lee, W.H.Kim
Evaluation of tumor microsatellite instability using five quasimonomorphic mononucleotide repeats and pentaplex PCR
N.Suraweera, A.Duval, M.Reperant, C.Vaury, D.Furlan, K.Leroy, R.Seruca, B.Iacopetta, R.Hamelin
Familial ovarian cancer and early ovarian cancer: biologic, pathologic, and clinical features
B.A.Werness, G.H.Eltabbakh
Lymphoepithelioma like carcinoma of the colon in a patient with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
G.De Petris, R.Lev, D.M.Quirk, P.R.Ferbend, J.R.Butmarc, K.Elenitoba Johnson
The Muir Torre syndrome in kindreds with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome). A classic obligation in preventive medicine
H.T.Lynch, R.M.Fusaro
Diagnosis of hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer
Why hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma patients appear to have better survival than patients with sporadic colorectal carcinoma
Characteristics of small bowel carcinoma in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma
M.A.Rodriguez-Bigas, H.F.A.Vasen, H.T.Lynch, P.Watson, T.Myrhoj, H.J.Jarvinen, J.P.Mecklin, F.Macrae, D.J.B.St.John, L.Bertario, P.Fidalgo, L.Madlensky, P.Rozen
MSH2 genomic deletions are a frequent cause of HNPCC
J.Wijnen, H.van der Klift, H.Vasen, P.M.Khan, F.Menko, C.Tops, H.M.Heijboer, D.Lindhout, P.Moller, R.Fodde
Muir-Torre phenotype has a frequency of DNA mismatch-repair-gene mutations similar to that in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer families defined by the Amsterdam criteria
R.Kruse, A.Rutten, C.Lamberti, H.R.Hosseiny-Malayeri, Y.Wang, C.Ruelfs, M.Jungck, M.Mathiak, T.Ruzicka, W.Hartschuh, M.Bisceglia, W.Friedl, P.Propping
Is there a role for prophylactic subtotal colectomy among hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer germline mutation carriers?
hMSH2 forms specific mispair-binding complexes with hMSH3 and hMSH6
S.Acharya, T.Wilson, S.Gradia, M.F.Kane, S.Guerrette, G.T.Marsischky, R.Kolodner, R.Fishel
Flat adenomas in a colon cancer-prone kindred
H.T.Lynch, T.Smyrk, S.J.Lanspa, J.N.Marcus, M.Kriegler, J.F.Lynch, H.D.Appelman
Cancer family "G" revisited: 1895-1970
H.T.Lynch, A.J.Krush
Poslední aktualizace 2. května 2017
Copyright © 2010-2025 Bioptická laboratoř s.r.o.
Autoři: MUDr. Ladislav Hadravský, Prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, PhD., Prof. MUDr. Michal Michal